Selasa, 11 Desember 2012


What is Myofascial Release Therapy
Myofascial Release Therapy is an advanced bodywork modality which has the potential to profoundly influence every muscle, bone, nerve, blood vessel, organ and cell of the body. One could almost call it an ideal drug-free therapy which utilises movement and exercise and promotes healing and pain relief. It is a powerful bodywork technique which allows treatment of soft tissue problems that often do not respond to other treatment methods. The practice of Myofascial Release Therapy has to do with wholeness and connectedness, providing therapists with the opportunity to understand right brain function and proprioceptive senses. To appreciate these functions is to trust that the information available at our finger tips is reliable. Myofascial Release Therapy offers the chance for the therapist to develop and enhance right brain function and to further develop our inherent intuitive
skills. The key to learning Myofascial Release Therapy is to listen to messages and sensations within the body. Muscle and fascia are functionally linked (Myofascia) combining the properties of contractile and noncontractile tissue. Under load fascia behaves mechanically, including the ability to change and loose energy when subjected to stress. Myofascial Release Therapy uses a variety of touch styles depending on the needs of the client. Light touch and light stretching encourages relaxation. Light touch also allows the therapist to ease into the clients areas of
tightness without triggering reflex muscle contraction or guarding. As gentle stretching promotes the progressive relaxation of tight structures, deeper restrictions can be accessed, treated and released.

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012


Cheap but it doesn't like cheap. lots of features also.. need to withdraw some money to get it :)

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012


What is a best-looking and well-built mobile phone to you? What would you do if you get it broken? I bet most of you would come to the nearest repairing mobile phone service and fix it. However, as it is quite rare to hear, a few of you would toss it in the bin. For those who love throwing away the mobile phone because of its bad performance, you can be, I could say, an honourable sportsman. The sport itself is called mobile phone throwing, while you will find it under the tittle cell phone throwing in the United States of America. It is a sport in which participants throw the mobile phones and are judged on distance or technique.
            Mobile phone throwing is originally started in Savonlinna, Finland, in the year 2000, and then it has been gone around across the country since then. There are officially two categories in the Mobile Phone Throwing. Traditional style is over-the-shoulder-throw, where the length of the throw is crucial. In Freestyle, the style is free and the contestant gets points for aesthetics and creative choreographics from 4 to 10. In both categories the contestant with the highest score wins.The prize for the first place in a national event is entry to the world championship, and the grand prize for winning the world championship is a new mobile phone.

What are the common rules
            First, the mobile phone used can vary widely. Certain contest demands  all participants utilize one phone model, while other competitions let you use any cell phone that weights from 220 grams to over 440 grams. Second, the contestant must stay inside the throwing area during the throw. Once the contestant steps over the area, s/he will be disqualified. Third, the phone must land within the marked throwing section. Fourth, cell phone can not be altered and battery must be attached.
What are the benefit joining this competition
            Eventhough it’s unusual and less popular sport, mobile phone throwing has many advantages. First, like any other popular sports, such as football or basketball, mobile phone throwing offers fun activity, which is quite useful to reduce stress, and healthy body. Second, this weird sport circumstancially participate in clean environment care. As you know, the discarded and dumped mobile phone contains a battery, which is toxic waste, that must be handled carefully. Local recycling center become a partner and they collect all the toxic waste. Finally, not only does this sport provide fun activity and support clean environment, but it is also strengthen social awareness. In the United states of America, the contestants will be asked for donations that cost only 5 dollars per each entry. The charitable contribution will be handed to the local hospital.
To conclude, having seen that benefits, I should argue that this growing-fast sport is worth to apply in development countries, one of which is Indonesia. It should be; however, conducted and supported by middle class to top class people with million rupiahs in their saving. the rich people get fun and health from it, and the needy get soething from it. This what people say as Criscross. Have your say.